/Yr{{userInputs.name}}'s Your {{userInputs.productTitle}}{{userInputs.productSecondTitle}} TM {{userInputs.selectedVariant.title}}
Discounted Premium
What you get
What you get
- ₹ {{getAmountInWords(userInputs.selectedSI)}} $ {{commaForTravelSI(userInputs.selectedSI)}}
- ₹ {{getAmountInWords(userInputs.productType == 'AccidentCare' ? userInputs.personalAccidentSumInsured : userInputs.criticalIllnessSumInsured)}}
- ₹ {{commaForPremium(userInputs.premiumDetails.premiumAfterTax)}}*
Please click here to see premium illustration
Direct Claim Settlement
Avail painless claim process when there are no third parties involved
No Room Rent Cap
Up to single private room permissible for hospitalization in this plan
Refill Benefit
Get your cover restored if you exhaust your sum insured in the policy year
Day Care Treatment
Get coverage for procedures that don't need hospitalisation.
Pharmacy & Diagnostic tests
Buy diagnostic tests and medicines through our mobile application or website
Renewal for life
Once insured with us, you will always remain our customers.
Find out what’s covered in the Health Pulse Plan
Simply search for your queries about Health Pulse insurance plan or check out all the features listed below
+ -Get coverage for medical treatment post hospitalisation for all insured members
+ -Get coverage of up to 1% of base sum insured per day for single private room and up to 2% for ICU. This is applicable when sum insured is below Rs 5 lacs. For 5 lacs and above, it is up to single private room and ICU covered up to SI.
+ -The policy will cover pre and post hospitalisation expenses as well. The period of the treatment covered is 30 days before you get admitted to the hospital and 60 days after you get discharged from the hospital.
Health Check-up
+ -Avail free health check-up for yourself and your spouse annually from the second policy year onward
+ -The policy will reimburse you for the medical treatment taken at home on account of unavailability of a hospital bed or the doctor’s advice
+ -Your health insurance will cover a host of dental, ENT and other procedures
+ -Get coverage for the ambulance expenses up to Rs 2000 for any emergency hospitalisation. These expenses are paid once the in-patient claims are approved
+ -Avail coverage for medical expenses incurred on the organ donor’s treatment as well
Standout Features
+ -Get the health pulse policy and you can cancel within 15 days to get a full refund.
+ -We cover In-patient treatment under AYUSH (Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) up to the base sum insured
+ -Save taxes on the premiums paid under section 80D of the income tax act
+ -Avail services at our network hospitals without having to pay any cash
+ -There are no third-party agents involved. Get your claims processed painlessly by our customer service team directly
+ -Get assured renewal of the policy for life with no extra loadings based on your claim history
Add on Features
Optional Benefits: | |
Personal Accident Cover -Accident Death -Accident Permanent Total Disability (125% of PA cover SI) Accident Permanent Partial Disability |
Personal Accident cover will be equal to 5 times of Base Sum Insured; maximum up to 50 Lac |
Critical Illness Cover | Critical illness cover will be equal to Base Sum Insured; maximum up to 10 Lac |
e-Consultation | Unilimited tele/online doctor consultation |
Hospital Cash | For Base Sum Insured of 5 Lac and below: 1,000 per day; For Base Sum Insured greater than 5 Lac: 2,000 per day |
Enhanced No Claim Bonus | Increase of 20% of expiring Base Sum Insured in a Policy Year; maximum up to 200% of Base Sum Insured; no increase in sub-limits; no reduction in No Claim Bonus in case of claim |
Enhance Re-fill Benefits | Re-fill up to 150% of Base Sum Insured |
+ -•
•Ancillary hospital charges
•Hazardous activities
•Artificial life maintenance
•AYUSH treatments, except inpatient treatments taken under Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy
•Conflict & disaster
•External congenital anomaly
•Convalescence & rehabilitation
•Cosmetic and plastic surgery
•Dental/oral treatment
•Eyesight & optical services
•Experimental or unproven treatment
•Hormone Replacement Therapy
•Hospitalisation not justified
•Inconsistent, irrelevant or incidental diagnostic procedures
Non-medical expenses
•Obesity and weight control programs
•Reproductive medicine & other maternity expenses
•Robotic Assisted Surgery, Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER) & Cyber Knife Treatments
•Sexually transmitted infections & diseases
•Sleep disorders
•Substance related and addictive disorders
•Unlawful activity
•Treatment received outside India
•Unrecognized physician or hospital
•Generally excluded expenses - Any costs or expenses specified in the list of expenses generally excluded at Annexure II of the Policy Document.
Permanent Exclusion for Personal Accident Cover (if opted)
+ -We shall not be liable to make any payment under any benefits under the Personal Accident Cover if the claim is attributable to, or based on, or arise out of, or are directly or indirectly connected to any of the following:
• Suicide or self-inflicted injury, whether the insured person is medically sane or insane.
• Treatment for any injury or illness resulting directly or indirectly from nuclear, radiological emissions, war or war like situations (whether war is declared or not), rebellion (act of armed resistance to an established government or leader), acts of terrorism.
• Service in the armed forces, or any police organisation, of any country at war or at peace or service in any force of an international body or participation in any of the naval, military or air force operation during peace time.
• Any change of profession after inception of the policy which results in the enhancement of our risk, if not accepted and endorsed by us on the policy schedule.
Committing an assault, a criminal offence or any breach of law with criminal intent.
• Taking or absorbing, accidentally or otherwise, any intoxicating liquor, drug, narcotic, medicine, sedative or poison, except as prescribed by a medical practitioner other than the policyholder or an insured person.
• Participation in aviation/marine including crew other than as a passenger in an aircraft/water craft that is authorised by the relevant regulations to carry such passengers between established airports or ports.
• Engaging in or taking part in professional/adventure sports or any hazardous pursuits, such as speed contest or racing of any kind (other than on foot), bungee jumping, parasailing, ballooning, parachuting, skydiving, paragliding, hang gliding, mountain or rock climbing necessitating the use of guides or ropes, potholing, abseiling, deep sea diving using hard helmet and breathing apparatus, polo, snow, ice sports, hunting, etc.
• Body or mental infirmity or any disease except where such condition arises directly as a correspondence of an accident during the policy period. However, this exclusion is not applicable to claims made under the Permanent Partial Disability benefit.
Permanent Exclusions for Critical Illness Cover
+ -We shall not be liable to make any payment under Critical Illness Cover directly or indirectly caused by, based on, arising out of or howsoever attributable to any of the following unless specifically mentioned elsewhere in the Policy.
• AYUSH Treatment: Any covered Critical Illnesses diagnosed and/or treated by a Medical Practitioner who practices AYUSH Treatment.
• Conflict & Disaster: Treatment for any Injury or Illness resulting directly or indirectly from nuclear, radiological emissions, war or war like situations (whether war is declared or not), rebellion (act of armed resistance to an established government or leader), acts of terrorism.
• External Congenital Anomaly: Screening, counselling or treatment related to External Congenital Anomaly.
• Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery: Any Critical Illnesses arising due to treatment undergone purely for cosmetic or psychological reasons to improve appearance.
•Experimental/ Investigational or Unproven Treatment:
a. Services including device, treatment, procedure or pharmacological regimens which are considered as investigative or Unproven / Experimental Treatment.
b. Biodegradable (bioresorbable, bioabsorbable) polymer drug eluting stents will be considered as experimental and investigational for all purpose.
Hazardous Activities: Any claim relating to Hazardous Activities.
HIV, AIDS, and related complex: Any condition directly or indirectly caused by or associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), including any condition that is related to HIV or AIDS.
•Reproductive medicine & other Maternity Expenses: Any Critical Illness arising out of , directly/ indirectly caused by, contributed to or aggravated by:
a. Pregnancy or Child Birth Pregnancy (including voluntary termination), miscarriage, maternity or child birth (including through caesarean section)
b. Birth Control Any type of contraception, sterilization, abortions, voluntary termination of pregnancy or family planning;
c. Assisted Reproduction Infertility services including artificial insemination and advanced reproductive technologies such as IVF, ZIFT, GIFT, ICSI, gestational surrogacy;
d. Sexual disorder and Erectile Dysfunction. Treatment of any sexual disorder including impotence (irrespective of the cause) and sex changes or gender reassignments or erectile dysfunction;
e. Any costs or expenses related to pregnancy, complications arising from pregnancy or medical termination of pregnancy unless caused by an Accident.
•Sexually transmitted Infections & Diseases: Screening, prevention and treatment for sexually related infection or disease.
• Substance related and Addictive Disorders: Treatment and complications related to disorders of intoxication, dependence, abuse, and withdrawal caused by drugs and other substances such as alcohol or nicotine.
• Traffic Offences & Unlawful Activity: Any condition occurring as a result of breach of law by the Insured Person with criminal intent.
•Unrecognized Physician or Hospital:
a. Treatment or Medical Advice provided by a Medical Practitioner not recognized by the Medical Council of India or by Central Council of Indian Medicine or by Central council of Homeopathy or by relevant authorities in the area or country where the treatment is taken.
b. Treatment or Medical Advice related to one system of medicine provided by a Medical Practitioner of another system of medicine.
c. Treatment provided by anyone with the same residence as an Insured Person or who is a member of the Insured Person’s immediate family or relatives.
d. Treatment provided by Hospital or health facility that is not recognized by the relevant authorities in India or any other country where treatment takes place.
e. Treatment or services received in health hydros, nature cure clinics or any establishment that is not a recognized Hospital or healthcare facility
Why choose Health Pulse?
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Calculate Medical Expenses

Painless renewals
Assured plan renewal for life
Get 10% added sum insured on each renewal*
Get cashless health check annually
Carry forward 80% unutilized amount for diagnostic tests
Get 20% more coverage for every claim-free year
Unlock maternity benefits
There are various ways in which you can purchase this policy:
Online:On purchase of this plan online your policy will be generated almost instantly along with your policy kit and card. This is applicable for cases which do not require further underwriting or medical checkup.
Telephone:If you wish to know more about Niva Bupa’s Health Insurance Plans, please speak to our specially trained sales team or your local advisor. Call us on Phone 1860 500 8888 (Toll Free) between 9 am and 6 pm IST (Monday to Saturday) or click on ‘Click to arrange a call’ to buy the policy over the phone or to fix up an appointment.
Branch: Please visit our branch in your city. The complete list of branch locations is available in the Contact Us section of the website
Get the most value from Health Pulse
The Niva Bupa Promise
Your everyday health partner
Hassle-free claims
Get admitted
Visit us at one of our hospitals
Use your health card
Identify yourself with your NivaBupa health card
Get validated
After validation your request will be sent directly to us
In-house claims Review
No third party involved!
Claim Processing
In as less as 30 minutes!
How Health Pulse Works for you
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Health Pulse

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Health Pulse
Policy Wordings

Find out all you need to know about the plan here
Health Pulse
Claim Form

Download the form to make a hassle-free claim
Health Pulse
Application Form

Download the application form here